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Mega-Dose of Vitamin C

¿What is Vitamin C?
Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble micronutrient. Despite being essential, humans are one of the few animals on earth whose bodies do not manufacture their own vitamin C, unlike the rest of the animals on the planet.
What are the benefits of vitamin C?
¿What is the treatment with Mega-Dose of Vitamin C and what are its Benefits?
The treatment consists of the intravenous application of Pure Sodium Ascobate without any Mixture. Its main benefit is the stimulation of cellular function and the immune system, which allows the patient to feel more active and prevents the appearance of diseases.
¿Who can perform this Intravenous Megadose Vitamin C treatment?
All patients, Men and Women, over 18 years of age who want to maintain a good state of health.
¿How often is it recommended to perform the Mega-Dose of Vitamin C treatment?
Dr. Lorena Pinzón recommends having this treatment once a month.
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